
Tsavorite: Understanding Its History and Origin

By:  Myra S.


Want to buy a tsavorite ring but want to know the history of tsavorite first? Let’s go!

In comparison to other gemstones, tsavorite is a relatively new inclusion to the world of jewellery. A rare member of the garnet family and the birthstone for January, the tsavorite is a deep darkish green coloured garnet. It was first discovered in the Tsavo National Park, Kenya, in 1967 by Campbell Bridges. However, it was made a part of the trade in the 1970s. Its similarity to the emerald confuses people at times. In addition, the tsavorite is one-tenth the cost of an emerald, yet it is more durable and brilliant. The lack of demand is one of the reasons why it is less expensive. Tsavorite stones are of fine quality and are rarer than emeralds.

The History of Tsavorite

  • It all started with a British geologist who found some strange nodules of rock in 1967. His name was Campbell R. Bridges. He discovered a few beautiful green grains and crystal fragments inside these strange-looking objects. An examination of these indicated that he had found green grossular, a member of the colourful gemstone group of garnets.
  • The gemstone he found was beautiful and possessed great transparency. A popular jewellery company noticed the find and showed an interest in the newly discovered jewel. However, nationalization made it difficult to mine these stones in Tanzania. But Campbell Bridges did not give up.
  • After a few years of research and exploring new places, he finally found beautiful green tsavorite gemstones in Kenya for the second time. He did not stop and persevered. However, the magnificent forces of nature damaged more than half of the crystals at their formation time.
  • In 1970, Campbell R. Bridges had his mining claims registered officially and started exploiting the deposit. It was undoubtedly an adventurous journey. But the gemstone was known only to a limited population. However, in 1974,  a popular jewellery company initiated a broad promotion campaign, due to which tsavorite became well-known across the USA.
  • Tsavorite can be found in both Tanzania and Kenya. However, the finest natural deep green tsavorite is still found in Tsavo, Kenya. Due to the geological conditions, this gemstone is found in small fragments, which is why stones over two carats are considered very rare.

Also Read: How Can You Tell if a Tsavorite Is Real?

More Historical Facts About Tsavorite

Here are some more interesting facts about tsavorite:

1. Rarity:

Tsavorite and emerald have a few similarities, but tsavorite is a hundred times rarer than emerald. This gorgeous green gemstone is so rare that stones larger than five carats are unheard of and rare, and gemmologists believe that this stone will probably go extinct in the near future. In addition, the tsavorite’s high refractive index makes these gemstones substantially harder and less costly than emeralds. As a result, their demand is less as they are very rare. Most emeralds are treated in some form, while tsavorite garnets are not. The very finest tsavorite gemstones are still found in Kenya.

2. The Name Tsavorite

In honour of the Tsavo National Game Park and Tsavo River, Henry Platt suggested the name tsavorite. He was a part of the gemstones’ rise to prominence. According to modern mineralogical nomenclature, the naming of gemstones needs to end in “ite.” Therefore, the name tsavorite was given to this deep rich green gemstone.

Also Read: Is Tsavorite a Durable Gemstone?

3. Birthstone For the Month of January

Garnet is generally referred to as dark red stones as the word “Gernet” means a dark red tone. However, tsavorite is undoubtedly a rare garnet and is probably one of the world’s oldest gemstones. Tsavorite is the birthstone for January and May. In some instances, a good dark green coloured emerald can be taken as a birthstone, but the tsavorite is brighter and more desirable. Tsavorite gemstone jewellery will not go unnoticed. Therefore, our tsavorite garnet gemstone rings are perfect for people born in January or May. Instead of emerald rings, you can get your tsavorite engagement rings for your significant other as it has greater transparency and brilliance.

4. Spiritual Importance:

The tsavorite gemstone is a symbol of kindness, strength, wealth, energy, and self-assurance. It is known to act as a stress reliever and guide the wearer to his or her destiny. It is believed by many that tsavorite can assist in discovering one’s inner beauty. It improves perceptual clarity, loving knowledge, and understanding of your significant other. When it comes to its spiritual importance, tsavorite is known to help wearers with their emotional trauma. In addition, it helps in physical and emotional recovery as well as regeneration of the body post-surgery. The gemstone is believed to bring wealth and prosperity to the wearer’s life by alleviating financial worries.

Also Read: Is Tsavorite a Rare Gem?

5. Contemporary

The beautiful tsavorite gemstone is a recent addition to the jewellery and gemstone world. These precious stones don’t have the same history as other ancient gemstones like diamonds, rubies, etc., which have been popular amongst mankind for centuries. However, its charm and value are not affected by this. In addition, tsavorite gemstones are mined naturally, which only increases their value. This stone is not known to even exist in a synthetic form. The only enhancement is done in the cut quality.

6. Durability:

The mesmerising tsavorite gemstone is durable and safe for everyday wear. However, you have to be careful and remember that most gemstones include gaseous, liquid, or solid surface defects or inclusions. In addition, tougher gems like diamonds, rubies and sapphires can scratch softer gems such as tsavorite. Therefore, keep in mind to safely store the pieces separately in a fabric-lined jewellery box or a cloth pouch to prevent chips and cracks.

Different Types

There are various types of tsavorite gemstones according to cuts, shapes and sizes. These are:

  • Ovals
  • Cushions
  • Rounds
  • Teardrop
  • Squares
  • Hearts

Oval and round are the most common cuts for tsavorite, but other shapes, such as rounds and pear-shaped cuts are also quite popular. Heart-shaped tsavorite rings are perfect for gifting. You can wear tsavorite gemstone jewellery every day. The tsavorite gemstone is suitable for any type of jewellery as it can be faceted into numerous designs.

Also Read: Peridot vs. Tsavorite: What’s the Difference?

Final Thoughts

Tsavorite stones that have deep green colour command the highest prices. Tsavorite has earned its worth as it is one of the finest gemstones. Its amazing deep green hues, rarity, durability and purity have attracted several gem collectors and lovers for eons and the popularity of this stone will only soar higher in the years to come.

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