
Baguette Diamonds: Everything You Need to Know

By:  Jane Olagunju

Baguette Diamonds

You’re on the search for the next diamond jewellery piece for your collection and you stumble across baguettes. Now you can’t help but wonder, what is a baguette diamond?

If you’re thinking of a French loaf encrusted with diamonds, you’re somewhat on the right path. The baguette diamond history does have a French origin – the word ‘baguette,’ which refers to a long and thin loaf of French bread inspired the shape of baguette diamonds.

Now that we’ve set you on the right path to knowing all about diamonds that are baguette-shaped, let’s dive deeper.

What Are Baguette Diamonds?

Baguette diamonds are elongated, thin and commonly rectangular-shaped step-cut diamonds. They’re sometimes almost square-shaped and are usually used to adorn eternity rings or as an accent stone or a side stone for engagement rings and wedding rings. Baguettes can have straight or tapered edges with perfectly squared corners.

Unlike traditional diamond cuts that have around 50 facets, baguette diamonds have 14 facets which makes precision very important. This is because the imperfections become more prominent due to the decreased shine from fewer facets. However, this is the case for most step-cut baguettes, while there are hybrid brilliant-cut baguettes with more facets

Therefore, when looking for the perfect baguette-shaped diamond, cut and clarity are very important.

Although baguette diamonds are often used as accents, you can have them as your centre stone. They’re not as common, which makes them special and extremely desirable.

What Are Baguette Diamonds

Did You Know?

Baguette-cut diamonds are not as expensive as other cuts which makes them an excellent choice. As with any diamond, the baguette diamond price varies depending on its 4Cs. Moreover, the price per carat of a baguette diamond is likely to be less than an emerald or a round brilliant cut. Therefore, it’s the perfect option for anyone on a budget.

Cheque out our collection of baguette diamond rings for women and bring home a sparkler that doesn’t make you break the bank.

History of Baguette Diamonds

History of Baguette Diamonds

The meaning of the word ‘baguette’ in the French and English Dictionary (Randle Cotgrave’s 1673 version) is ‘a little jewel’ which differs from the traditional translation meaning ‘stick’ or ‘rod.’ The word ‘baguette’ is the diminutive of the word ‘bague’ which used to mean ‘jewel’ but now means ‘ring.’

The baguette cut was created because of its functionality in the early 20th century and introduced during the period of Art Nuevo and Art Deco. This cut was welcomed by Western society and made popular by the art movements. Soon, it was commonly seen in all jewellery types, especially diamond jewellery.

The popularity of the baguette stones when they emerged was because they symbolized the shift from the traditional round brilliant-cut stones. People who saw themselves as bold and unique were drawn to this cut.

If you’re feeling just as bold, explore our collection of baguette diamond pendant necklaces and get a piece that speaks to you.

What to Look for in a Baguette Diamond

What to Look for in a Baguette Diamond

If you’re picking out baguette diamond bracelets, necklaces or any other type of baguette diamond jewellery, here are some things you need to look for.

1) When they’re placed as accents or side stones, ensure that every stone has the same colour and clarity. And for your diamond rings, make sure that they complement the centre stone rather taking away from its beauty.

2) The fewer facets make it easier to spot inclusions. So, make sure the stone you pick is clear to the naked eye. However, the stones do not need to be flawless to be clear.

3) Since most baguettes are step cuts, you should ensure that all facets are symmetrical and parallel because slight variations may detract from the appearance of the stone.

4) While the diamond 4Cs are the main things to consider, the setting of a baguette diamond is also another important one. Go for a more secure setting, like channel, because baguettes are easier to dislodge or break due to their larger surface area.

5) There are lab-grown diamonds available which are chemically, optically and physically identical to natural diamonds but are more affordable. By law, the diamonds you purchase – natural, treated or lab-grown – must be disclosed by the retailer.

6) Baguette-cut diamonds have a shallow depth, which is done just to make them appear larger. Cheque out our diamond depth and table article to learn about the depth and table of a diamond in detail.

Also Read: Why is the Diamond So Hard?

Baguette vs. Emerald Cut

Baguettes and emerald-cut diamonds have similarities that you may have noticed. Although these stone cuts are part of the step-cut family and are both rectangular, there are differences between them.

As mentioned earlier, baguettes have 14 facets and emerald cuts have 50-58 facets. Baguettes are also skinnier and longer than emerald cuts, lacking in their distinctive cut corners. You can find emerald cuts in larger carat weights and they’re popular centre stones, unlike baguettes which are usually used as accent stones.

Now that you know these baguette vs. emerald cut differences, cheque out our collection of baguette and emerald-cut jewellery and pick what you like the best.

Baguette vs. Radiant Cut

The shape of the radiant cut is quite similar to a baguette with its straight edges – like emerald cut and other rectangular stones. However, it can also be square. And, the radiant cut has cropped corners similar to emerald cut which is where you can tell the difference between baguette vs. radiant cut.

The radiant cut has 70 facets that’re a combination of brilliant and step cuts, and unlike baguettes, they have better brilliance. This is because the flaws in the stone are not as visible, which means you can easily opt for a lower clarity grade.

Baguette vs. Princess Cut

Princess cut diamonds have a facet arrangement similar to a brilliant cutting style that enhances their brilliance and fire. This is the reason, today, they’re also called as the square modified brilliant.

Unlike rectangular-shaped diamonds with step-cut facets, like baguettes, princess cuts have a unique chevron pattern which is where they get their distinct appearance. Another baguette vs. princess cut difference you can notice is that princess cut has 50-58 facets that can also easily hide its imperfections.

Browse through our collection of baguette diamond earrings and treat yourself to a pair you love.

Feeling like you can conquer the world with this knowledge? Head to Angara and put your new skills to the test.

Up Next: What Are the Different Diamond Grading Scales?

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Are baguette diamonds popular?

Baguette diamonds are popular as accents or side stones. However, they can be used as centre stones.

Q2. What are the pros and cons of baguette diamonds?

The quality of a baguette diamond may not rival a classic round brilliant-cut diamond, but it’s a less expensive option perfect for anyone on a tight budget.

Q3. How are baguette diamonds priced?

Baguette diamonds are graded based on their 4Cs. So, the prices vary depending on the colour, cut, carat weight and clarity of the stone.

Q4. What are some things to consider when choosing a baguette diamond?

Two of the major points you need to consider are symmetry and clarity. You should also look out for the colour differences. Ensure that all the accent stones are the same colour and don’t take away from the beauty of the centre stone.

Q5. How to care for baguette diamonds?

You can clean your baguette diamond jewellery with a mild liquid soap and warm water solution at home. Also, you can take it to a jeweller at regular intervals for cleaning and maintenance.

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