
Can You Wear Opals Every Day?

By:  Myra S.


Since its discovery, this truly one-of-a-kind gem has captivated people with its fascinating ‘play-of-colour’. So it’s no surprise that we would love to flaunt the enchanting opal every day. But can we, really?

Let’s find out…

Are Opals Tough?

When it comes to everyday wear, it is important to be aware of the gem’s hardness i.e., its resistance to getting scratched. There is a scientific measure for this – Mohs scale of mineral hardness, a tool devised in 1812 by German geologist and mineralogist Friedrich Mohs. Post testing, this scale gives the minerals a rating from 1 (highly malleable) to 10 (extremely durable).

The opal has a score of 5.5 to 6.5 on Mohs scale, which indicates that it is not as tough as diamonds, but not soft like the pearl either.

So can you wear them every day?

The short answer – No.

Why though? Well, given their rating, it is recommended to save your opal jewellery for special occasions. This is mainly because they are susceptible to chipping and breakage. Opals also have water content that may range from 3 to 21% by weight, so there’s a possibility of them developing cracks if they get dried out.

However, after considering everything, if you still wish to wear opals on an everyday basis, then you need to do so with extra care.

Care and Maintenance Tips

Here are some handy tips that will help keep your opals safe and maintain their beauty.

1. Mind the temperature

It is essential to know that extreme temperatures can cause unnecessary damage to an opal. So be mindful of that and keep this gem away from exceedingly hot or freezing cold environments. Extremely dry atmosphere must also be avoided as that may lead to surface fissures on the gem due to lack of moisture.

2. Clean them

It is imperative to clean your opal jewellery to remove the dirt and dust that may have accumulated on it. But don’t do so with harsh chemical cleaners. Instead, simply use a soft and damp cloth. For a more thorough cleaning, consider visiting a professional jeweller.

3. Separate storage

Because opals can chip and scratch easily, it is important to store them separately from the other gems. You can simply place them in a padded cloth bag or a velvet pouch.

We recommend storing your opal ring in the ring box it came in or if you don’t have one get a ring holder with properly spaced slots.

4. Retain the moisture:

If you plan to wear opals every day, then your skin’s moisture may prevent the gem from drying out. However, if you want to store it away then try keeping a piece of slightly damp cotton next to it. This will help maintain the moisture level in the environment.

5. Visit the jeweller

Consider visiting a professional jeweller for cleaning and in-depth inspection of the piece at least once every year. If you notice any damage to the stone or the setting, then try to get it fixed as soon as possible.

Final Note

The opal is definitely a unique gem that everyone must certainly own and flaunt. Just remember to follow the tips mentioned above and you should be good to go!

Also read – Can You Wear Aquamarine Every Day?

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