
Do Emeralds Need To Be Oiled?

By:  Myra S.


With its brilliance and elegance, the emerald has captivated millions of individuals all over the world. And while this green beauty has several claims to fame, its upkeep is always something that has stumped people.

So today, we plan on answering one of the most commonly asked questions about this gem.

Do they need to be oiled?


Interestingly, emeralds tend to have more inclusions than any other jewel within the beryl family of minerals. In addition to this, most of the stones also have tiny cracks and fissures on their surface. Oil-based treatments are therefore often used to reduce the visibility of these flaws and improve the stone’s overall appearance.

During this process, the gem is usually first cleaned and then locked into a heated hydraulic cylinder with some thick cedar oil. The heat and pressure from the cylinder work in tandem to melt the oil and help it penetrate the tiny fissures present on this gem. Once done, the stone is cooled until the cedar oil thickens and returns to its viscous state.

Do note that the heated hydraulic cylinder is only used for those emeralds which have extremely tiny cracks. In most of the other cases, oil is directly poured into the fissures, cleaned, and left to cool.

Unfortunately, the results of the oiling treatment are not permanent and the gem may need to be re-oiled at least once every three to four years to maintain its lustre.

How do you take care of this jewel?

With a rating of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, the emerald is a considerably durable gemstone. That said, it does require some extra love and care to maintain its beauty. Here’s how you can do it…

1. Know when to keep it away

Due to its ‘gemstone cleavage’ property, the emerald will crack if hit against a hard object. Therefore, it is important to keep aside your emerald jewellery before participating in any physical activity, such as exercising, swimming and gardening. Additionally, exposure to extreme temperatures can cause the stone to develop internal cracks. So protect it from direct sunlight, heating appliances or hot counters that are usually present in the kitchen.

2. Store separately

Store your emerald jewellery in a soft cloth pouch or a velvet-lined box away from other gemstones to prevent it from getting scratched.

3. Get it cleaned by a professional

Cleaning your emerald is an important part of this jewel’s maintenance. For best results, we recommend getting your stone professionally cleaned at least once a year. Not only will this help it look brand new again, but other issues such as a loose setting can also be fixed.

Parting Note

Oiling (cedarwood oil) is considered a safe practise, and has been used in the jewellery industry for a long time. Even the best quality emeralds tend to have inclusions, and this is considered an intrinsic part of the gem’s structure. But oiling does help to a certain extent to minimize the flaws and enhance the lush green colour of this precious jewel.

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