
Do Rubies Chip Easily?

By:  Myra S.


Ruby is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful gemstones available today. But its grandeur and popularity aside, how can one make sure that their ruby jewellery lasts long? What if it develops chips or scratches? Is that even possible?

Well, without wasting much time, let’s find out!

Is Ruby a tough gemstone?

The Mohs scale of mineral hardness was developed in the year 1822 to determine a gemstone’s relative strength. The ratings are based on the ease or difficulty with which one stone can be scratched by another. The precious ruby has a score of 9 – which indicates excellent hardness on the Mohs scale. In addition to outstanding durability, the ruby also doesn’t have the gemstone cleavage property, which means it won’t break easily when struck hard.

So, does that mean that Rubies can’t chip easily?

With ruby being a tough gemstone, there is a minimal chance that it chips. However, it could have various types of inclusions, each with a different structure and appearance. These inherent flaws can affect the gem’s overall durability, and also bring down its value if they’re visible to the naked eye.

As a rule of thumb, you should avoid buying rubies with flaws that can be clearly seen on the surface. We recommend opting for high-quality stones (even if the carat weight or size is less) to ensure that you get to make the most of this gem’s beauty and splendour.

How to look after your Ruby jewellery?

While the ruby is undoubtedly one of the toughest gemstones available today, it still needs to be treated with love and care. As we’ve clarified earlier, this gem is highly resistant to scratches, but it is not immune to damage. So keep the following tips in mind to ensure your ruby jewellery continues to look brand new for years to come…

  • Dirt and grime can easily attach themselves to gemstones, making them appear dull and old over a period of time. So try to wipe your ruby jewellery with a clean dry cloth as often as you can. If you want a more thorough clean-up, then consider soaking the jewellery in a solution made with an ultra-mild cleanser and room temperature water. Then, take a soft cloth dipped in this solution and use it to gently scrub away the dirt that may have accumulated on the piece. Once done, rinse it with clean water and dry with the help of another soft cloth.
  • Sometimes, everyday household items like perfumes and hairsprays can do more harm than we imagine. While the result of the damage may not be visible right away, over a period of time the brilliance of the gem will certainly diminish. Therefore, wear your ruby jewellery only when you’re about to step out and keep it away when participating in household chores or other strenuous activities.
  • Steam and ultrasonic cleaners can be used safely on untreated as well as heat-treated rubies. But these methods must be strictly avoided if the stone has fracture or cavity fillings.

If in doubt, you can always get a second opinion from a professional or cheque the official certification. So go ahead, and buy those ruby jewellery fearlessly!

Also Read: What Makes Ruby So Valuable?

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