
Does the Pink Tourmaline Undergo Treatment?

By:  Myra S.


Whether worn alone or in combination with another gemstone, the pink tourmaline will always give your outfit a chic vibe. That said, have you ever stopped to wonder if the stone’s beauty is 100% natural?

If the answer’s yes, then we highly recommend reading this article.

First things first, what is a Pink Tourmaline?

To put it simply, the pink tourmaline is a semi-precious jewel that is primarily known for its vivid hue. It can be found in a variety of vibrant shades ranging from light to hot pink depending on the amount of manganese present within the stone’s chemical structure.

The pink tourmaline is also known for its unique chemical composition that involves a complex mixture of several related minerals, which feature a similar crystal structure.

Currently, this pick-me-up gemstone is a popular alternative to the pink diamond and is used to symbolize enlightenment and positive vibes.

Back to the main question, is it treated?

Yes, most of the pink tourmalines found in the market today undergo some or the other form of treatment. This is mainly done to improve the colour and clarity of the stone. The two common procedures that this gem undergoes are as follows…

1. Irradiation

This is generally done to intensify the hue of the stone. During this treatment, the pink tourmaline is exposed to an artificial source of radiation until the desired colour is achieved.

This may be followed by heat treatment to further modify the jewel’s hue. When both the treatments are used the process is called a ‘combined treatment’.

By itself, irradiation is considered to be a stable process, which means that it doesn’t affect the durability or chemical structure of the jewel. That said, one must always handle a treated pink tourmaline with care and love.

2. Heat treatment

This particular type of synthetic enhancement is typically carried out to lighten the pink tourmaline as well as reduce the inclusions present on and within the gem. Here, the stone is exposed to temperatures around 700° C at regular intervals until the desired colour is achieved.

This process is very commonly used in the gemstone industry and its results are typically stable and permanent.

It is important to note that untreated tourmalines with an intense pink hue will always be considered more valuable than the treated ones.

Caring for Pink Tourmalines

1. Storage

Store your jewel in a felt-lined case or a velvet pouch away from your other accessories. This will protect the stone from scratches and other types of damage. We also recommend placing this gem in a cool, dark place to protect its colour, which can become dull with excessive exposure to light.

2. Know when to keep it aside

While the pink tourmaline is a considerably durable gemstone, it is still not immune to damage. Therefore, in order to protect it, remember to keep aside your accessory when cooking, exercising, gardening, swimming, etc.

3. Take it to a professional

Get your stone professionally cleaned at least once a year. This will help maintain its beauty and shine for years to come.

We hope this article helped!

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