
How to Care for Your Ruby Jewellery

By:  Sharlize Dsouza

Care for Your Ruby Jewelry

IMO, rubies are like the Beyoncé of gemstones—bold, beautiful and a little bit sassy. And if you’ve ever flaunted a piece of your own, we bet you’d agree. That said, keeping these little divas healthy and happy can get tricky if you don’t know how to care for your ruby stone.

Are you nodding in agreement? Because if so, you’re in luck – As a brand that’s been in the biz for years, we know how to maintain these beauties. And in this article, we’re sharing it all with you.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab a chair and read on…

How to Care for Ruby Jewellery

1. Chemicals Are a Strict No-No


When people typically ask us how to care for ruby rings and other jewellery pieces, our first response is to tell them to keep it away from chemicals.

Unfortunately, the chemicals in your go-to fragrances, lotions and makeup items can play a not-so-friendly game with your precious ruby. So, put on your jewellery pieces after getting ready and remove them the moment you return from your event. This nifty trick minimizes the gem’s exposure to potentially harmful substances and ensures it remains as radiant as your charm.

Of course, it’s not just the glamor squad you need to watch out for – Everyday household substances, like lemon juice and vinegar, can impact the lead glass content in treated gems. And don’t even get us started on boric acid powder – This seemingly innocent powder could etch the surface of even the most untreated stones.

So, while you’re conquering household tasks, consider giving your ruby pendants, rings, bracelets and other pieces a little break. They definitely need it!

Also Read: Which Metal is Best for Ruby?

2. Knowing When to Remove Your Jewellery Is the Key

Sure, rubies are tough cookies with a hardness rating of 9/10, but even superheroes have their vulnerabilities. One hit against something hard and BAM, it could get chipped or scratched.

That’s why when people ask us how to care for ruby bracelets and other sparklers, we tell them to remove their favourite jewellery pieces before performing any strenuous activities.

Whether that’s pumping iron in the gym or channeling your inner horticulturist in the garden, let your ruby gemstone take a breather. Trust us, it’ll thank you for it.

Also Read: Which is the Best Cut for a Ruby?

3. Don’t Forget Bath Time

Believe it or not, even your ruby AKA the Cancer birthstone needs a spa day every now and then. In fact, to keep your stunners fresh and ready for action, we recommend cleaning your ruby engagement ringwedding ring and other jewellery pieces at least once a month.

But wait, how to clean the ruby stone, you ask?

Well, that depends – You see, rubies are generally hard fellows so whether you choose the DIY route or entrust the task to an ultrasonic or steam cleaner, the result should be the same.

However, if your gem is fracture or cavity-filled, we highly suggest following the DIY method mentioned below:

Step #1: Let It Soak

Begin bath time by creating a mild soap solution. For the best results, we recommend letting your ruby wedding ring, engagement ring and other jewellery pieces soak in it for at least 5 minutes.

Step #2: Start Cleaning It

Armed with a wet lint-free cloth, delicately rub your piece to rid it of any dust and grime. Pay extra attention to the edges of the stone and its setting as that’s where most of the dirt tends to hide.

Step #3: Let It Air Dry

After the royal treatment, leave your sparkler aside to air dry. Et voila! Your stunner is now as good as new, ready to dazzle the world once more.

Did You Know? 

Like emeralds, almost all rubies have flaws. That said, some of them can contribute positively to the stone’s aesthetic. For instance, needles that intersect can cause a star effect known as asterism which is incredibly beautiful to look at.

4. Give It Some Alone Time


Your ruby might be super tough, but that doesn’t mean it wants to rub elbows with every other gem in your jewellery collection. To prevent it from playing rough and scratching up softer companions, it’s best to give your sparkler some solo time.

Here, we recommend tucking your ruby jewellery into a soft cloth pouch or a velvet-lined box—just like the one it came in. And in terms of storage, we bet it’ll love a cool, dry place (like the depths of your closet) where it can enjoy some peace and quiet.

Also Read: What Makes Ruby So Valuable?

5. Get the Professionals Involved

If you’re committed to the #RubyLife and want to showcase your ruby necklaces, ruby earrings and other pieces regularly, consider scheduling an annual chequeup with your favourite jeweller. Here, not only will they thoroughly clean your stunner, but also they’ll cheque and fix any loose settings that it may have.


Can you shower with your ruby jewelry on?

We don’t really recommend it because the chemicals in your shower products might have an impact on your stone.

Can you use a jewelry cleaner on rubies?

That depends! While ultrasonic and steam cleaners won’t impact your ruby in most cases, they can negatively affect it if your stone is cavity-filled, fracture-filled or dyed.

Can you wear rubies every day?

With a 9/10 rating on the Mohs scale, rubies can definitely be flaunted daily. That said, we highly recommend following our maintenance tips to keep them looking fresh and fabulous.

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