
How to Clean an Emerald Ring at Home

By:  Myra S.


Emerald is a precious gemstone, and buying an emerald ring embellished with this stunning jewel is an investment of a lifetime. Whether you wish to wear it every day or on special occasions, knowing how to clean your real emerald ring at home can keep it looking brand new for decades.

Ready to learn how to clean and take care of your emerald ring? First, let’s delve into the glittering world of this lush green gem.

Is Emerald a Durable Gem?

Emerald has a rating of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness; this means it is not as sturdy as rubies, sapphires, and diamonds. But with proper care and handling, emeralds can undoubtedly become a part of your family heirloom. After all, Cleopatra’s emerald jewellery from 40 BC looks breathtakingly beautiful even after several centuries.

Did You Know?

Top-quality, eye-clean emeralds can be a lot more expensive than diamonds!

Emeralds were first mined in Egypt around 1500 BC. Some of the oldest emeralds in the world today are as old as 2.97 billion years!

It is the only gemstone with a specific cut named after it – the famous emerald-cut.

Emeralds have inclusions known as Jardin (French for garden), which gives them a mossy look. However, it is considered to be a desirable feature among gemstone lovers.


How to Clean an Emerald Ring?

If you wish to keep your emerald ring looking as good as new, make sure you clean it regularly with a soft cloth to prevent the accumulation of dirt. Haven’t cleaned the ring in a long time? Here’s the right way to do it.

Step 01: Start by filling a bowl with lukewarm water, add a few drops of mild soap and stir well.

Step 02: Place the emerald ring in this solution and let it soak for a few minutes.

Step 03: After the second step, if you still see dirt and grime in the crevices, use a soft-bristled toothbrush to get rid of it. Make sure you do this gently and never use the brush directly on top of the stone.

Step 04:  Fill another bowl with lukewarm water and submerge the ring in it to get rid of the soap and dirt. Remove the ring once you’re sure there’s no residue left on it.

Step 05: Using a soft, clean microfiber towel or cotton cloth, wipe the ring and let it air dry for a few hours. It is now ready to be worn or stored away.

What’s more, you can also use the above-mentioned steps to clean your other emerald jewellery, including emerald pendants, bracelets and earrings.

What Not to Do?

Emeralds fall into the Type III category of gems, which means it is normal for them to have some inclusions. To improve the clarity and reduce the visibility of these inclusions, most emeralds often undergo oil treatment. Therefore, it is best to avoid using harsh soap, chemicals, and other cleaning methods that may dissolve or remove the treatment. Ultrasonic devices, steam, and commercial jewellery cleaners can also negatively affect the gemstone, so ensure your emerald ring is never exposed to any of these. If you are still unsure about cleaning your piece at home, it is best to get it done by a professional.

How to Wear and Store Your Emerald Ring?

Emeralds are reasonably tough; however, avoid wearing them while doing household chores. Remove your emerald ring or emerald engagement ring before doing the dishes, applying cosmetics, mopping, gardening and swimming to prevent contact with harsh chemicals that may damage the stone. Heat can also weaken the fillers in the stone and alter its appearance, so take off the ring before using hot water.

Emeralds are far more susceptible to scratches than other precious gemstones. Storing it with other pieces in your jewellery box can easily scratch them. Therefore, it is advised to place your emerald ring in a separate velvet pouch or box to keep it safe and protected.

How to Clean an Emerald Ring at Home FAQ

  • Is it safe to put emeralds in a jewelry cleaner?
    Emeralds cannot withstand harsh cleaning; therefore, steam cleaning, ultrasonic method, and jewelry cleaners should be avoided. These procedures can weaken the gemstone and lead to damage.
  • Should I oil my emerald ring?
    Emeralds are usually oil-treated to improve their clarity and color; however, the shine might fade with regular usage. So you can choose to get your emerald ring re-oiled from a professional to retain its beauty.
  • Can you wash your hands with the emerald ring on?
    Washing your hands while wearing your emerald ring shouldn’t be a problem; however, if you’re not sure, it’s best to remove it. Some hand sanitizers and cleaners contain alcohol which can be harsh for the gemstone.

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