
Is Tsavorite a Durable Gemstone?

By:  Myra S.


The rich green hue of tsavorite has long earned it comparisons to the more widely sought-after emerald. As a matter of fact, both get their spectacular colour from trace elements of vanadium and chromium. However, tsavorite’s high refractive index, cubic crystal structure, and rarity have set it apart from the others.

But where does it stand when it comes to gemstone toughness and durability?

Let’s find out…

But first, what exactly is a Tsavorite?

Tsavorite is a remarkable type of grossular garnet. This gemstone comprises calcium-aluminium silicate and as mentioned above, owes its gorgeous hue thanks to the trace amounts of chromium and vanadium present in its chemical structure. Blessed with an impressive brilliance and superior light dispersion capabilities, the vibrant tsavorite is often believed to be a fabulous alternative to precious emeralds, with respect to both the colour and price.

Understanding the Mohs scale of mineral hardness

Developed by Friedrich Mohs in the year 1822, this tool was created to gauge gemstone and mineral hardness. According to this scale, 1 indicates extreme softness and 10 represents exceptional durability. It is interesting to note that the Mohs scale of mineral hardness is extensively used even today to measure the strength and durability of a jewel.

So, is Tsavorite a durable gemstone?

Yes, it is!

With a rating of 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale, the tsavorite is a considerably durable gemstone. It is suitable for all types of jewellery pieces as long as they are treated with utmost care and precaution, mainly to prevent hard knocks and scratches that can occur during frequent wear.

So essentially, tsavorite’s toughness and its mesmerising hue together combine to form an incredible gemstone that can be a wonderful gift for yourself or someone special.

Care tips for the Tsavorite

While the tsavorite is durable enough for everyday wear, it can still end up looking dull if not taken care of properly. The tips mentioned below will help prevent damage and ensure your tsavorite jewellery looks brand new for years to come.

  • For cleaning the tsavorite at home, you may use an ultra-mild soap water solution and a soft cloth for gentle scrubbing. Once done, rinse it with clean water and dry with a soft, lint-free cloth. Make sure, it is not exposed to strong heat, light, or cleaned with steam or ultrasonic machines.
  • Store your tsavorite jewellery separately in a soft cotton or velvet pouch. This will safeguard the gem from scratches that can be caused by other harder stones and accessories.
  • Keep your tsavorite jewellery away from any type of harsh chemicals. Also make it a point to keep it aside when cooking, swimming, exercising, gardening, etc.
  • To maintain the beauty of this rare gemstone, we recommend getting it inspected and cleaned by a professional at least once a year. They will fix any damage that it may have endured, and also tighten the settings if needed.

Parting Note

Elegant and a rare masterpiece, the tsavorite is sure to be a wonderful addition to your fine jewellery collection. And the fact that it is a considerably durable gemstone further makes it a worthwhile possession.

Also Read: Which Gemstones Are the Most Durable?

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