
First Lady Dr. Biden Receives Lab-Grown Diamond Gift From Indian PM—It’s The Future Of Luxury!

By:  Penelope P


You won’t believe it; a lab-grown diamond is as real and sparkly as a natural diamond but far more affordable!

President Biden and the First Lady welcomed Indian PM Narendra Modi to the White House last week to bolster political discussions and ties between the two nations. As a special gesture, PM Modi presented Dr. Jill Biden with a gorgeous 7.5-carat lab-grown diamond made in India. While the diamond was no doubt spectacular-looking, it has sparked conversations on the rising global trend of investing in lab-grown diamond and gemstone jewellery.

It’s a trend that has certainly taken the diamond industry by storm, so if you’ve been curious to know more about it, this is your chance to get in on all the scoop. TBH, it’s one you cannot miss!

Trend Alert: Why Lab-Grown Diamonds and Gemstones Should Be on Your List

Well, before we get into that, let’s answer the top question that we’re sure is on your mind: what exactly are lab-grown diamonds and gemstones?

As the name suggests, they are synthetic diamonds produced in a controlled technological environment using the same materials as those present in a natural diamond.

Not only are lab-grown diamonds and gemstones 100% real, but they are also chemically, optically and physically identical to their natural, earth-mined counterparts. And yes, they even have that sparkle, brilliance and colour you love. One of the things that’s different though (and we promise it’s a good different) is that it only takes a few weeks to create a diamond in a lab as opposed to several years taken for a natural diamond to form!

Now that we have your undivided attention, let us tell you some more interesting facts about lab-grown vs natural diamonds and gemstones. Keep reading…

1. Origin: Where Do They Come From?

Lab-grown diamonds and gemstones are produced in a labouratory. They’re carefully created using cutting-edge technology, mimicking the environment in which earth-mined diamonds and gems are formed (yep, science at its finest).

2. Pricing: Are They Really Affordable?

Pricing: Are They Really Affordable?

The verdict’s out (you’re going to love this): Lab-grown sparklers are much more affordable than natural ones. You know what this means, right? It’s finally time to shop the diamond rings you’ve been eyeing and secretly adding to your wish list. *wink wink*

What’s more, lab-grown sparklers offer more bang for your buck as you can get a bigger and more brilliant stone for less. Think of all the elabourate lab-grown jewellery styles you can add to your collection without breaking the bank… Isn’t it luxury at its best even on a budget? We think so!

Shop Lab-Grown Diamond and Gemstone Jewellery

Eager to add some lab-grown diamond rings and other sparklers to your jewel box? We’ve got loads of options for you.

Coloured Gemstones: The Shiny New Investment Trend

Speaking of changing trends, we can’t help but notice the increasing value of coloured gemstones.

The economic implications caused due to limited resources, costs and production time have already started a major shift in the diamond industry, which has led to the increased value of coloured gems—and their lab-grown counterparts are being seen as even more compelling alternatives. Add to that the modern woman’s changing taste in fine jewellery owing to celebrating their individuality through bursts of colours, and it’s clear why buying gemstone jewellery can be a truly great investment today.

First Lady Dr. Biden Receives Lab-Grown Diamond Gift From Indian PM—It’s The Future Of Luxury! FAQ

  • Why did Indian PM Narendra Modi gift a 7.5-carat lab-grown diamond to Dr. Jill Biden?
    The diamond was a special token for the First Lady and also spoke to India’s endeavor to jump on the globally trending lab-grown diamond bandwagon.
  • What is the significance of the 7.5-carat lab-grown diamond gift?
    The 7.5-carat lab-grown diamond represents India’s 75 years of independence and gives a peek into what the future of fine jewelry looks like.
  • What is the resale value of a lab-grown diamond compared to a natural diamond?
    Depending on the size and quality of a lab-grown diamond, its resale value can vary. However, given its low purchase value, it’s a popular choice among those looking to indulge in luxury on a tighter budget.

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