
All About March’s Breathtaking Birthstones: Aquamarine and Bloodstone

By:  Myra S.


Energetic and rational but still calm and philosophical? Do you relate? If yes, then you are definitely a March baby! Trust us, you’re simply amazing and so are your March birthstones. Wondering, what are the two birthstones for March? Well, first you have the beautiful aquamarine, an eye-catching gem that can instantly brighten up your OOTD and mood; and second is the stunning bloodstone that’ll make you stand out from the crowd every single time.

Want to know more about these wonderful gems? Don’t worry, we got you! So, let’s get started with the primary birthstone for March – Aquamarine.

The Gorgeous March Birthstone: Aquamarine

Aquamarine is your official birthstone and there’s a lot in common between you and this gemstone for March. Curious to find out? Dive right in!

Aquamarine is often associated with a sense of serenity and calmness. Similarly, those born in March are said to have a peaceful and calm demeanor. In short, March babies, you’re super chill! Plus, this gem is believed to improve communication skills. And, March borns are often described as excellent communicators. You know how to convey your thoughts effectively and clearly. What’s more? According to legends, aquamarine came from the treasure chest of mermaids, and March babies, you’re nothing short of a treasure. *wink wink*

Did You Know?

Aquamarine, the birthstone of March, gets its name from the Latin words aqua marinus, meaning ‘water of the sea.’ Interesting, right? This isn’t it, there’s so much more to this icy-blue gem. Let’s find out!


TBH, multiple folklores surround this icy-blue gemstone. During ancient times, Egyptians and Sumerians used this gem to symbolize happiness. They even believed that aquamarine was the key to everlasting youth. On the other hand, early Romans and Greeks considered it to be the sailor’s gem and often wore it to ensure safe passage across the sea. So, don’t forget to take this gem on your next sea voyage.

Mining Locations

Currently, aquamarine can be found in different parts of the world. But, Brazil in particular, is known for producing large and high-quality aquamarine stones. Other mining locations include Australia, India, Madagascar, Kenya, China, Colorado, Nigeria as well as the USA.


Well, aquamarine is part of the beryl family of minerals (just like emerald). This icy-blue gem is typically known for its high transparency and clarity. When it comes to durability, aquamarine ranks between 7.5 and 8 on the Mohs scale of hardness, which means it is fairly durable and can be worn regularly. So, if you’re planning to get an aquamarine engagement ring for bae, it’s a great idea!



Wondering what’s the aquamarine birthstone meaning? The soothing blue color of aquamarine is reminiscent of the peace-giving nature of the sea. That’s why, this gemstone is often associated with serenity, tranquility and calmness. Aquamarine is known to symbolize hope, loyalty and purity. What’s more, it was believed that aquamarine could help establish peace among couples, hence making it a thoughtful 19th wedding anniversary gemstone.


A relaxing beach holiday is on your mind? Aquamarine’s beautiful blue color will instantly transport you to the serene seaside. Well, similar to seawater, this gemstone’s color ranges from shades of pastel blue to greenish blue. It gets its color from the trace amounts of iron in its chemical structure. Overall, aquamarine certainly looks cool and refreshing!

The Most Famous Aquamarine

If you don’t know about the Dom Pedro Aquamarine, can you really call yourself a March-born? Well, it’s the largest aquamarine that is renowned for its size, color and artistry. It weighs approximately 10,363 carats and was masterfully cut and sculpted by famous gem artist Bernd Munsteiner. The Dom Pedro Aquamarine is currently housed in the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History and is a popular attraction for visitors.

What Are the Benefits of Wearing Aquamarine?


Apart from its undeniable beauty, your month gemstone aquamarine can benefit you in several ways. Take a look at the most important benefits:

Emotional Healing and Courage

Interestingly, aquamarine is associated with emotional healing and courage. Wearing aquamarine jewelry may provide a sense of emotional support and encourage you to face challenges with confidence and all your strength.

Calming Energy

We already told you aquamarine is associated with serenity and calmness. It can help alleviate stress, anxiety and emotional trauma by providing a sense of peace and tranquility. So, the next time you’re having a tough day, make sure to keep your birthstone close to you.

Protection and Abundance

Earlier, aquamarine was used by sailors to ensure safe passage across stormy seas. So, wearing an aquamarine may be seen as a talisman for March babies, offering them protection and attracting positive energy. Definitely a lucky stone for March borns!

Enhanced Communication

Aquamarine is believed to enhance clarity of thought and improve communication skills. So, if you have something on your mind, just wear this March gem and communicate your feelings more clearly and assertively.

Important Note: There is currently no scientific evidence/data that backs the benefits of wearing the aquamarine birthstone for March borns.

The Best Jewelry Styles to Consider

Planning to treat yourself to the March birthstone aquamarine but don’t know which jewelry style will suit you best? Well, we’re happy to help!

Aquamarine Solitaire Ring

March babies, you definitely love all things simple and minimalistic. That’s why, the classic solitaire style is perfect for you. Featuring only one gemstone, a solitaire aquamarine ring is a perfect way to showcase your calm and composed personality.

Aquamarine Halo Stud Earrings

On days when you want to add some sparkle to your OOTDs, just grab a pair of halo stud earrings. This jewelry style will highlight your birthstone in the most brilliant way. Just an easy and quick way to be the center of attention!

Aquamarine Infinity Bracelet

Aquamarine is believed to enhance one’s relationship. So, if you’re looking to better your relationship with your partner, an aquamarine birthstone infinity bracelet is the way to go. After all, the infinity jewelry style is known to symbolize never-ending love. Need we say more?

The Alternative March Birthstone: Bloodstone


Come and fall in love with your amazing March birthstone alternative — Bloodstone. And honestly, this gem really suits your personality, like really-yyy. Want to know how? Well, bloodstone has long been associated with courage and strength. Similarly, March borns are known for their boss lady energy and their ability to face challenges head-on.

Plus, bloodstone is known to symbolize energy and passion. It is believed to energize individuals, promoting a sense of enthusiasm and zest for life. And March babies, you’re active and energetic all the time, both physically and mentally. You certainly don’t get tired easily!

Did You Know?

Bloodstone was believed to have the ability to turn the sun red and bring on thunder and lightning.

NGL, that sounds interesting! If you’re curious to know more about this gem, just go on…


Bloodstone has a rich history that dates back centuries. According to legends, this stone was formed when drops of Christ’s blood, stained jasper gemstone at the foot of the cross. Ancient Greeks and Romans believed that bloodstone can stop bleeding and promote healing, especially for blood disorders. Throughout history, this gem has primarily symbolized courage and justice. People used this stone as a talisman to protect themselves from evil energies.

Mining Locations

The March birthstone bloodstone is found in various locations all around the world. Some notable mining locations include India, Australia, Brazil, Germany, South Africa and the United States. Bloodstone is also known as ‘heliotrope’ and has been mined for centuries.


Bloodstone actually belongs to the chalcedony mineral family (part of the cryptocrystalline family of quartz). The crystal structure of this gem is similar to that of jasper, agate and onyx. It has a hardness rating of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale. So, you can flaunt your bloodstone jewelry anytime, anywhere but not without some TLC.


Bloodstone is often regarded as a symbol of courage, bravery and strength. It is also associated with energy and passion for life. Bloodstone also symbolizes the potential for healing and renewal.


Curious to know what color is the March birthstone – bloodstone? The base color of bloodstone ranges from deep green to a darker shade of green. This stone features distinctive red or brownish spots that look like blood splatters, giving the stone its unique name. The intensity and distribution of the red spots can vary from stone to stone. So, no two bloodstones are the same, they are all unique. If you own this birthstone, then you definitely have a one-of-a-kind gem.

The Most Famous Bloodstone

Did you know that the most popular bloodstone is on display at the Louvre Museum in Paris? It is beautifully carved and was the seal of Emperor Rudolf II.

What Are the Benefits of Wearing Bloodstone?


Wearing bloodstone jewelry is believed to offer several benefits specifically to those born in March. Mentioned below are the most important ones:

Blood-Related Problems

Well, not too surprisingly, bloodstone is thought to have a positive impact on blood-related conditions. It is believed to purify the blood and support healthy circulation. March babies can wear bloodstone to promote their overall well-being.

Courage and Strength

Don’t want to run away from your problems but rather face them? Well, bloodstone is popularly associated with courage and strength. Wearing bloodstone can improve your determination and confidence.

Emotional Balance

Not just courage, bloodstone is also associated with emotional healing and balance. It is believed to take away all your stress and anxiety. By wearing bloodstone, March babies may experience greater emotional stability and a sense of inner peace.

Spiritual Growth

Bloodstone is said to enhance intuition and foster inner reflection. So, March babies who are inclined towards spiritual pursuits, bloodstone can assist you in your spiritual journey and personal growth.

Important Note: There is currently no scientific evidence/data that backs the benefits of wearing the March gem bloodstone.

The Best Jewelry Styles to Consider

Check out the best jewelry styles for your bloodstone birthstone:

Bloodstone Necklace

If you want to make an eye-catching statement, a bloodstone necklace is certainly the way to go. The unique appearance of this gem will ensure all eyes remain on you. Go ahead, take your OOTD from basic to wow-worthy in seconds!

Bloodstone Vintage-Inspired Jewelry

Can’t get enough of that old-world charm? We understand! So, why not invest in bloodstone vintage-inspired jewelry? Intricately crafted, this style, especially when embellished with the bloodstone gem, is sure to give you that one-of-a-kind feel.

Bloodstone Dangle Earrings

Looking for earrings that you can save up for special occasions? Well, we suggest get yourself a pair of bloodstone dangle earrings. Trust us, you’ll steal the spotlight wherever you go!

What Are the Zodiac Gemstones for March?

There are two zodiac signs that fall under the month of March — Pisces (19th February – 20th March) and Aries (21st March – 19th April). The Pisces birthstone is *drumroll* Aquamarine! This icy-blue stunner perfectly matches the vibe of our imaginative and creative Pisceans. Plus, this water sign is known to have two fishes facing opposite directions as its symbol. And, we all know by now how deeply aquamarine is related to the ocean and sea.

Next, talking about the Aries, they’re blessed with the exceptional — Diamond. There are so many reasons why we love the Aries birthstone. It is brilliant, extremely durable, undeniably stunning… and the list goes on and on. Definitely a woman’s best friend!

So, what are you waiting for? Now is the time to update your jewelry box with March birthstone jewelry and make the fashionista in you stand out!


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