
Natural vs. Lab-Grown Diamonds: What Are the Differences and Similarities?

By:  Myra S.

Natural vs. Lab-Grown Diamonds

Picture this: You’re at a family dinner party when your favourite aunt walks in with the most gorgeous ring you’ve ever seen. (We’re talking 5-carat diamonds here!) Your jaw drops and you rush over to ask about the price tag. And that’s when she lets you in on a little secret…her ring didn’t kill her wallet because the diamond is lab grown. So, lab-grown diamonds vs. natural diamonds: What’s the difference, you ask? Luckily for you, that’s what we’re gonna answer today!

You see, when it comes to picking the perfect gem for their jewellery piece, most people can never decide between lab-grown diamonds vs. mined diamonds. After all, it’s a bit like choosing between Grandma’s homemade apple pie and a futuristic apple-flavored tart – Both have their merits, and neither will leave you disappointed. But, with the differences and similarities listed below, you’ll have no problem picking the best diamond for yourself!

Natural vs. Lab-Grown Diamonds: What’s the Difference?

Natural Diamonds Lab-Grown Diamonds
Precious gem formed under extreme heat and pressure deep within the Earth Precious gem created in a lab
Relatively rare Easily available
Premium diamonds are expensive Comparatively more affordable


Believe it or not, there are very few factors that actually distinguish a lab-grown diamond from its natural counterpart. They are as follows:

1. Definition

Natural Diamonds:


A geological marvel, natural diamonds are formed under immense heat and pressure deep within the Earth’s mantle. Since their discovery, these gemstones have become the crowning glory of engagement rings and wedding jewellery. What’s more, they’re the only gems on this planet formed from a single element – good old carbon.

Talk about keeping it simple!

Lab-Grown Diamonds:

As its name suggests, this gem is a product of human ingenuity rather than geological miracles. It boasts the same chemical structure as its natural counterpart, which means that it’s as real as a unicorn in a fairy tale.

The best part? Lab-grown diamond jewellery tends to be friendlier on the wallet. So, the next time you’re searching for a sparkler that won’t make your bank account sob uncontrollably, remember to shop in the lab-grown diamond aisle. Trust us, everything from lab-grown diamond bracelets to lab-grown diamond earrings are definitely worth the buy!

Did You Know?

In the year 2023, Queensmith decided to take a peek into the hearts and minds of newlyweds and the public to understand their views on these intriguing lab-grown diamond creations. They embarked on a quest, surveying 1,500 newlyweds and conducting interviews that would leave even Sherlock Holmes green with envy.

And what a revelation! Approximately 50% of those surveyed expressed their intention to adorn themselves with lab-grown diamond necklaces and earrings in addition to donning a lab-grown diamond engagement ring. It seems that the age-old allure of diamonds has a fresh twinkle in its eye; one that’s made in the lab but certainly not artificial in its appeal.

2. Rarity

Natural Diamonds:

Considering their brilliance and shine, it’s probably no surprise that these magnificent gems take their sweet time to come into existence – roughly 1 to 3.3 billion years to be more precise! That’s older than your great-great-grandparents and their great-great-grandparents, and, well, you get the idea.

But wait, there’s more – Only a tiny percentage of the diamonds made by Mother Earth get the honour of being woven into a fine jewellery piece. Yeah, it doesn’t get more exclusive than this!

Lab-Grown Diamonds:

When people ask us what the biggest difference between man-made diamonds vs. natural diamonds is, we typically point out the former’s lack of rarity.

Unlike their natural counterparts, these modern marvels couldn’t be bothered with the Earth’s billion-year production schedule. Instead, they’ve opted for the express lane. With the help of cutting-edge technology, scientists have managed to grow diamonds in the labouratory by recreating the conditions found deep in the Earth’s mantle, where diamonds are naturally formed.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting – How these lab-grown diamonds are created plays a huge role in their rarity. Because scientists are more hands-on during the creation process, most lab-grown diamonds can be used in fine jewellery pieces like lab-grown diamond wedding rings, for instance. Needless to say, this makes them more accessible than their natural counterparts.

3. Price

Natural Diamonds:

Quick question: When we say the word ‘diamond’ what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? We bet you’re gonna talk about the stone’s rarity along with the fact that it’s loved by everyone. And TBH, you’d be right!

But of course, this exclusivity and allure comes at a cost (quite literally). Depending on their carat weight, colour and clarity, the price tag on premium natural diamonds is enough to make your wallet do a double-take. It’s like owning a piece of Earth’s history but with a side of financial commitment – Definitely something worth doing if you ask us!

Lab-Grown Diamonds:


On the flip side, lab-grown diamonds are easier to access and therefore, relatively more affordable. In fact (and you didn’t hear this from us), you could probably get a lab-grown diamond for a fraction of the cost of a natural diamond. Plus, you won’t even have to skimp on the size.

Now, if that isn’t a sign to treat yourself to a lab-grown diamond pendant or an equally beautiful jewellery piece, we don’t know what is.

Now that you know the major differences between natural vs. lab-grown diamonds, let’s move on to the similarities between the two.

Similarities Between Natural and Lab-Grown Diamonds

Psst…Want to know a little secret? Natural and lab-grown diamonds are more similar than you think. Mentioned below are examples of the same:

1) They’re Basically Carbon Copies

The first striking similarity between natural and lab-grown diamonds is that they’re both carbon enthusiasts. That’s right, folks! Whether they’ve been cooking for billions of years in Earth’s mantle or being whipped up by a lab technician with a Ph.D. in sparkleology, both, natural and lab-grown diamonds are made of 100% pure carbon. Nature has got her own recipe, while the lab has its own secret formula, but at the core of it all, it’s carbon, carbon and more carbon!

2) They’re Property Twins

Imagine this: A natural diamond strolls into a room, and a lab-grown diamond waltzes in right behind it. The lights catch their facets and no matter how hard you try, you can’t tell which is which.

Honestly, we can’t blame you and neither can anyone else. In fact, in the Queensmith survey, almost 40% of the responders said that they wouldn’t be able to distinguish between a natural and lab-grown diamond even if they had access to a microscope!

That’s because these gems, despite their different origins, share the same optical, physical and chemical properties.

Pretty cool, huh?

3) They Can Both Be Certified by Grading Labs


Now, what’s a diamond without certification, right? It’s like a detective without a magnifying glass or a superhero without a cape – just not the same.

Luckily for you, it doesn’t matter if it’s a diamond straight from Mother Nature’s pocket or a meticulously nurtured gem from a high-tech lab – they can both get certified by the same place.

That’s right, folks – labs don’t discriminate and neither should you! GIA, IGI, EGL, AGS – these labs don’t care if a diamond had its origins in the Earth’s mantle or in a machine. They judge diamonds on their merits, not their birthplace.

The moral of the story: When it comes to certification, diamonds stand on an equal playing field.

4) They’re Both Considered Valuable

Next, let’s talk about the value of these beauties!

NGL, natural diamonds have been the crown jewels of engagement rings and celebrity red carpets for ages. They’re often seen as a symbol of love and wealth. So, it’ no wonder why they’re highly regarded in society.

But guess what’s happening now? Lab-grown diamonds are also being recognised as valuable gemstones. And we can totally see why! After all, not only are these beauties identical to their natural counterparts but they also share the same symbolisms.

Of course, we aren’t the only ones who think so. According to the Global Lab Grown Diamond Market Report 2023, in 2022, the worldwide market for lab-grown diamonds reached a valuation of approximately $22.45 billion and it’s projected to expand to around $37.32 billion by the year 2028.

So, the next time someone tells you that your lab-grown diamonds aren’t valuable, just wink and tell them that the lab-grown diamond market would have to disagree.

5) They Can Both Be Cut and Polished to the Same Level of Brilliance

Finally, let’s talk brilliance.

Diamonds, whether created in the Earth’s mantle or nurtured in a lab, can be cut and polished to the same breathtaking brilliance and sparkle.

Amazing right? It’s almost like they attend the same glam school for light reflection!

Now that you know all about lab-grown diamond and how similar it is to its natural counterpart, let’s discuss the all-important question.

Lab-Grown Diamonds vs. Natural Diamonds: Which One Should You Pick?

Honestly, it all boils down to your priorities.

If you’re a purist who likes your diamonds the way Mother Nature intended—formed over millions of years, kissed by the Earth’s fiery embrace and excavated by daring souls in hard hats—then, by all means, go for the natural diamond. There’s something wonderfully romantic about wearing a piece of Earth’s history on your finger and no lab can replicate that story.

On the other hand, if you love innovation and hate large bills, then the lab-grown diamond is definitely something you should opt for. These sparkling wonders are more budget-friendly and they don’t skimp out on the sparkle either. Plus, it’s a great way to be a part of history instead of just flaunting it.

In the end, whether you’re rocking a natural diamond or a lab-grown one, remember this: both have their own stories to tell. So, cherish the sentiment and let your diamond be a reflection of your personality because, in the world of diamonds, there’s room for everyone to sparkle.

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