
How to Remove Ring Scratches

By:  Sharlize Dsouza


Picture this: On your birthday, you finally caved and got that gorgeous ring you had been eyeing for ages. It’s shiny, dreamy and practically screams, “Look at me, I’m fabulous!” You don’t ever get it off and have been flaunting it everywhere you go for a while now. But then, over a period, reality hits and before you know it your precious piece is marred by annoying scratches. *Cue the frantic Googling of articles on ‘How to fix ring scratches’*

We know, it sounds like a nightmare but lucky for you, the story doesn’t end there. You see, removing ring scratches, for that matter, is actually quite easy.

And if you scroll on, we’ll tell you exactly how to do it!

The Main Causes of Ring Scratches


Before we hand you the solution to your problem, let’s take a second to first discuss the reasons behind your ring’s rough encounter with scratches.

Believe it or not, everyday tasks are the ones to blame. Whether you’re doing the dishes, hitting the gym or trying your hand at botany, your favourite women’s ring is on the frontline, battling against formidable foes like cutlery, barbells and gardening tools – All of which are tougher than your metal and can therefore easily damage it.

And that’s not even the worst part… In addition to fighting against the obstacle course that is daily life, your ring is also engaged in a secret war with its fellow comrades (read: types of jewellery pieces).

Hard gemstones like diamonds, for instance, are notorious for scratching anything that doesn’t match up to their durability standards, including your beloved ring.

We know, yikes!

Want to know all the other ways in which your stunner can get damaged? Read our article titled ‘Things to Never Do to Your Engagement Ring.’

Did You Know? 

The type of metal used to create your unique wedding ring or any favourite sparkler plays a role in how quickly it can get scratched. Platinum, for example, is slightly more prone to scratches than 14K gold. This is simply because, despite being more durable, this metal is still softer than 14K gold. However, do note that when gold is scratched, the metal is lost (and it appears like a scratch). But when platinum is scratched, it only gets moved from one place on the ring to another.

So, How Do You Prevent Ring Scratches?

So,-How-Do-You Prevent-Ring-Scratches

The most obvious solution to your ring scratch problem is to take off your ring during strenuous activities. Washing dishes? Ring off. Gardening? Ring off. Wrestling bears? Definitely ring off.

Can’t bear to part with your sparkler for even for a second? Fear not! We suggest investing in a necklace made of the same metal as your ring. That way, you can hang your ring around your neck and let it dangle like a medal of honour while you conquer the world.

In terms of storage, we recommend storing your stunner in a cloth bag or jewellery box away from your other pieces. This will prevent other gemstones from scratching your ring and ensure your jewellery collection remains a harmonious, scratch-free utopia.

Also Read: Tips to Take Care of Your Engagement Ring

How Do You Remove Ring Scratches?

IMO, preventing ring scratches is a little like parenting… No matter how much you try to protect your baby, it will get hurt eventually. That said, a little scratch or two isn’t the end of the world and there are several ways to fix the issue. The main one being listed below:

For Light Scratches

For those delicate scratches that seem to appear out of thin air, this 3-step DIY guide is just what you need to have your ring looking brand new.

Step #1: Let it Soak

Fill a bowl with warm water and add a few drops of liquid soap. Let your precious piece soak in this concoction for 5 minutes to allow the solution to work its magic.

Step #2: Rinse and Dry

After its soaked, rinse your ring under the faucet and pat it dry with a soft cloth.

Step #3: Buff it Out!

Grab a polishing cloth (you can get it from a jeweller’s) and let the fun begin. Buff those scratches away like you’re trying to erase a bad haircut from everyone’s memory and before you know it, your ring will be looking as good as new.

Important note: Don’t subject your gemstones to the same vigorous buffing as you would your metal. That’s a one-way ticket to ‘Gemstone Drama Land’ and trust us, nobody wants to go there.

For Deeper Scratches


We highly recommend taking your sparkler to a jewellery professional. Why? Because jewellers have access to tools, like polishing wheels, that’re more abrasive than any regular polishing cloth. It’s like sending your ring for a deep tissue massage – A little while with a jeweller and it comes out looking good as new.

Important Note: When professionally polishing gold jewellery, a small layer is skillfully removed from the item’s surface to make it smooth and even. Considering the same, we recommend treating this service like your emergency chocolate stash and using it only in dire situations (at most once or twice a year).

Want to shop for a simple engagement ring or other kinds of sparklers but don’t know where to get them? Look no further than Angara! From gold-crafted pieces to platinum beauties, we have several options for you to choose from.

Up Next: Tips to Clean Your Engagement Ring

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the causes of ring scratches?

Ring scratches typically occur when your sparkler comes in contact with harder substances like doorknobs, keys or even more durable gemstones.

Q2. Can I remove ring scratches at home?

Minor surface scratches? Absolutely! To do this, soak your ring in a mild soap solution for 5 minutes. Once done, rinse and dry your piece before buffing away the scratches with a polishing cloth.

Q3. How can I prevent ring scratches?

The best way to do this is to remove your sparkler when performing any strenuous activities. You can also store it in a separate cloth pouch away from your other jewellery pieces.

Q4. Unsure about your ring size?

Take a look at our ring size chart to find the perfect fit.

Q5. Unsure about your ring size?

Take a look at our ring size chart to find the perfect fit.

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