
5 Amazing Facts About Ruby

By:  Myra S.


The fiery ruby is one of the most coveted coloured gemstones in the world. Its mesmerising beauty and intense colour make it a must-have in every gemstone lover’s collection. The ruby’s blood red hue is often associated with feelings of love and passion, making it the perfect gift for a loved one.

Rightly called ‘the king of gemstones,’ the ruby has many interesting facts associated with it that will leave you surprised.

Want to know what makes this precious gemstone special? Read on to find out!

1. Natural Rubies Have Flaws

Like most gemstones, rubies too have inclusions. However, these flaws make the gemstone look more appealing and are also considered as a mark of authenticity. If there are no inclusions, it is considered that the gem has undergone heat treatment.

Flawless, clear rubies do exist but they are very rare and often fetch a higher price than diamonds of the same weight! If you come across a visibly clean ruby, chances are that it might not be a real one!

Also Read: How Can You Tell if a Ruby Is Real?

2. Rubies and Sapphires Come from the Same Mineral

Both rubies and sapphires come from the same mineral – corundum. In fact, a corundum in any other colour than red is a sapphire! The presence of chromium gives ruby its intense red colour. The reason why corundum stones are so popular in the jewellery industry is because they do not have gemstone cleavage.

In simple terms, this means the ruby and sapphire are dense and not naturally weak, therefore far more durable than other gemstones. The only gemstone stronger than a corundum is a diamond.

3. The Liberty Bell Is the Largest Mined Ruby

The largest mined ruby was discovered in the 1950s in East Africa. In 1976, this single piece ruby was carved into a bell shape, embellished with 50 diamonds and an eagle on the top for the United States Bicentennial celebration.

It weighs 4 pounds and is about 8,500 carats! Unfortunately, the Liberty Bell was stolen from a jewellery store in Wilmington, Delaware during a heist. Its current estimated value is $2 million!

4. The Major Sources – Mozambique and Thailand Mines

Ruby is one gemstone that’s produced in several countries across the world. United States, Macedonia, Sri Lanka, Cambodia and Afghanistan are a few places where this precious ruby gemstone can be found.

However, majority of the world’s ruby supply comes from Mozambique and Thailand mines. Rubies from these regions are renowned for their durability, beauty and colour.

5. Symbol of Love and Passion

Due to their stunning red hue, rubies are often associated with love and passion. Anniversary or Valentine’s, ruby is the perfect gift for just about any occasion as it a universal symbol of eternal love and romance.

Some people also believe that wearing a ruby attracts and maintains love. This is the reason that ruby engagement rings and wedding bands are extremely popular among couples today.

Did You Know?

  • Rubies are quite durable; they score a 9 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness.
  • In Sanskrit, ruby is called ‘Ratnaraj’ meaning ‘the king of gems.’
  • Ruby is the official birthstone for July.

5 Amazing Facts About Ruby FAQ

  • What Makes Ruby so Special
    Ruby is desired for its gorgeous, rich red color. However, that’s not the only reason why the gemstone is loved all around the world. Its luster, rarity and durability also make ruby a special and precious gemstone.
  • How Rare Is a Ruby?
    While rubies are mined in many countries across the world, the finest ones come from Myanmar. They exude an exceptional color and are of the best quality. Finding rubies that are of good quality and larger than a carat is not easy, therefore rubies are rare and expensive.
  • Can Ruby Be Worn Every Day?
    Yes! Ruby is a tough gemstone; it scores a 9 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. This means you can wear the gemstone every day!

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