Birthstone & Zodiac

Virgo Soulmate: Find Out Who’s the Best Life Partner for Virgo Zodiac Sign

By:  Sharlize Dsouza

Virgo Soulmate

Hey Virgo, quick question: Are you on the hunt for the ultimate Virgo soulmate?

Because if so, you’re in the right place!

Join us today as we discuss the key traits of this Earth sign and highlight which zodiac signs make the best life partner for a Virgo man or woman.

A Little Background on Virgo

If your sun sign is Virgo, chances are your birthday falls between August 23 and September 22.

Represented by the goddess of harvest throughout history, this Earth sign is defined by its strong presence in the material world. And being a Virgo yourself, we’re sure you’d agree.

Logical, practical and systematic in your approach to life, you’re a perfectionist at heart. You embrace continuous improvement and are a big fan of refining your skills through diligence and consistent practise.

Ruled by Mercury, the messenger planet of communication, you process information with the precision of a computer, effortlessly turning even the most jumbled set of information into clear, organised concepts.

You’re also the ultimate helper. In fact, we’d even go so far as to categorize you as the gentle, kind and supportive friend and partner who typically uses their awe-inspiring resourcefulness and intellect to problem-solve.

Virgos As Romantic Partners

Virgos As Romantic Partners

You seek a partnership with a clear purpose. You aren’t drawn to messy, dramatic, impossible romances and instead crave a relationship with someone you can connect with on a day-to-day level. Before committing, you want to know the nitty-gritty: Do they have any dietary restrictions? What time do they take a shower?

Though these questions may seem mundane, you understand that the devil is in the details. You’re constantly gathering data to build a comprehensive profile of your partner while simultaneously comparing it with your own wants and needs. And when everything lines up, that’s when you dive in headfirst.

You possess a keen attention to detail that extends into your relationship. You attentively observe and listen to your partner. Not only that, but you also have this amazing ability to keep track of all the important little things which demonstrates your genuine care.

Acts of service are your love language. You love supporting your partner in practical ways like whipping up a delicious meal, for instance.

In terms of gift giving, you’re all about meaning and practicality. You put thought into selecting presents that not only reflect your partner’s interests and needs but also serve a purpose.

Finally, you offer your partner emotional stability and support. What’s more, you’re dependable and are generally considered a safe haven for expressing feelings and worries.

No wonder you’re considered a catch!

Did You Know? 

Blue sapphire is the Virgo birthstone.  It’s often used to symbolize sincerity. And considering Virgo’s absolute dedication to the tasks they undertake, it’s no surprise that they’re associated with this gemstone.

Apart from the above, this gem also symbolises truth and loyalty amongst others. So, if you’re on the hunt for a birthstone engagement ring that’ll show your Virgo just how much you value your relationship with them, trust a blue sapphire sparkler to do the trick.

Now that you know everything there is to know about this Earth sign, let’s move on to our list of soulmates for Virgo.

So, Who’s the Best Match for Virgo?

Who’s the Best Match for Virgo

Virgo, practical and analytical, seeks a soulmate who shares their pragmatism and commitment to self-improvement. Taurus and Capricorn provide the stability and dedication that Virgo seeks, fostering a partnership grounded in mutual support and growth.

1) Taurus

You know how you’re all about that practical, grounded approach to life? Well, imagine your partner sharing the same approach.

Pretty cool, huh? That’s honestly one of the several reasons why we think that Taurus makes the best life partner for Virgo.

The two of you share a cosmic connection that thrives on mutual understanding and stability.

Apart from being fixed Earth signs, Taurus trines with Virgo which means that these two are placed four zodiac signs apart. According to astrology, trines form the most harmonious partnership.

The Taurean brings their love for luxury to the table, while you are the master of finding deals and making sure every penny is well spent. Together, you and your Virgo soulmate sign (Taurus) could basically be described as a lovely couple with impeccable taste, social graces and old-school values. Sure, your earthy natures might make the two of you hippies at heart, but you both appreciate tradition and possessions of quality.

And when it comes to creating a cozy home and nurturing a loving relationship, you’re both all in. Here, Taurus is ruled by the pleasure-loving Venus, whereas you’re ruled by the intellectual Mercury. Sometimes, a Taurus’ feisty, raw and direct energy might clash with your need for control. But hey, it’s always good to have you there pulling the breaks when things get out of hand.

That said, you can learn a lot from your Taurean partner – the ability to relax and indulge every once in a while, being the most prominent lesson.

2) Capricorn

Next on our list of Virgo soulmate zodiac signs is none other than Capricorn.

The 10th sign of the zodiac and a cardinal Earth sign, Capricorn also trines with your zodiac. This creates a natural bond between you two.

Both of you are all about getting things done. While Capricorns typically aim for publicly recognised respect and achievements, you excel at handling the nitty-gritty details of everyday life.

You’re both pragmatic, hardworking and firmly grounded in reality. Together, the two of you can build something long-lasting and satisfying.

Being ruled by Mercury, you’re a natural at strategizing and expressing yourself and love turning over every detail. Capricorn, on the other hand, might struggle a bit with sharing their more difficult feelings because of that stern Saturn influence. But you refuse to let them stay shut down. Your ability to draw them out of their shell is truly special. On the flip side, when your anxieties take hold, leave it to the grounded and wise Capricorn to play the role of your steady rock. And if that doesn’t say ‘Virgo soulmate energy,’ we don’t know what will.

What’s more, if you two traditional signs make it past the first year, then marriage is pretty much inevitable. What’s beautiful is how effortlessly the two of you can be yourselves around each other. It’s a wonderful break from your usual formal public demeanors if we do say so ourselves.

Note: Remember, everyone is unique and while these traits can be interesting to consider, they might not paint the whole picture about the individual’s personality or how strong your connection to them will be. So, feel free to explore and understand the person beyond just their zodiac sign.

Shop Virgo Birthstone 

Looking for the perfect sparkler to make your Virgo heart flutter? Trust our blue sapphire jewellery to get the job done. Cheque our top picks and treat yourself to your new favourite pieces now.


Best | Rose Gold | 0.99 carat

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Oval Sapphire Virgo Feather Bypass Ring with...

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Best | Platinum | 1.13 carats

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Sapphire and Diamond Huggie Hoop Earrings

Best | Platinum | 0.58 carat

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Pear Blue Sapphire Earrings with Diamond Swirl...

We also have an entire collection of Virgo jewellery pieces on our website. From intricately crafted rings to solitaire earrings, we’ve got everything you need to make the maiden within feel seen.

Not a Virgo? Cheque out all our other celestial jewellery pieces and treat yourself to everything that makes your heart beat faster.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Who is the perfect soulmate for Virgo?

While several zodiac signs feature personalities that play well with the practical and analytical nature of the Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn are undoubtedly the most compatible.

Q2. Can Virgo and Aries be soulmates?

Probably not! This is simply because they don’t have a lot in common.

Q3. Can Virgo and Taurus be soulmates?

Absolutely! Their shared values and mutual appreciation for hard work make these signs a perfect match.

Q4. Can Virgo and Gemini be soulmates?

Definitely! These signs make a great pair as they have a lot in common.

Q5. Can Virgo and Cancer be soulmates?

Most definitely! Virgos are known for their organised nature and keen eye for detail. As such, they can assist Cancerians with practical matters. On the flip side, Cancerians are quite sensitive and can therefore help Virgos better connect with their emotions.

Q6. Can Virgo and Leo be soulmates?

Not typically! This is mainly because these two signs have slightly different priorities and perspectives. Nevertheless, if they’re willing to learn from each other’s distinct viewpoints, they can evolve into an incredibly supportive duo.

Q7. Can Virgo and Virgo be soulmates?

It depends! Virgos are often their own worst critics, so if they notice a trait they’re not fond of reflected back to them in their Virgo partner, it might be a turnoff. However, on the bright side, they’ll have no issues thinking about and discussing every single tedious plan that they can tackle together.

Q8. Can Virgo and Libra be soulmates?

Definitely! While there is potential for a little misunderstanding within the relationship, both signs are typically eager to solve each other’s problems and can make a great team in the long run.

Q9. Can Virgo and Scorpio be soulmates?

Considering the fact that they’re both reserved, loyal and deep thinkers, it’s no surprise that these signs are soulmates.

Q10. Can Virgo and Sagittarius be soulmates?

Not typically! This is simply because the signs have extremely different personalities. That said, they could be a good match if the fire sign is willing to pay attention to the details of the relationship and the Virgo wants to experience more adventure in their life.

Q11. Can Virgo and Capricorn be soulmates?

Absolutely! The fact that these two signs are pragmatic, hardworking and firmly grounded in reality is one of several reasons why they make a great pair.

Q12. Can Virgo and Aquarius be soulmates?

Not typically! While they may find common ground in terms of rational mindset, humanitarianism and personability, these signs are quite different and therefore may not work out as long-term partners.

Q13. Can Virgo and Pisces be soulmates?

It depends! If they’re open to understanding each other’s perspectives, the blend of Pisces’ spiritual water and Virgo’s practical earth could lay the groundwork for a thriving connection.

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