
7 Amazing Ways to Involve Kids in Your Wedding

By:  Sharlize Dsouza

Ways to Involve Kids in Your Wedding

Quick question: Are you the kind of person who lights up around kids (whether they’re your own or someone else’s)? Because if so, we can totally see why you’d want to include children in your wedding!

After all, it isn’t just about adding that extra layer of adorableness to your day; it’s about creating memories that stick like macaroni art — endearing, slightly messy but ultimately unforgettable.

No clue how to do that? This article is exactly what you need!

From making them your flower girl/boy to having them walk you down the aisle, we’ve mentioned several ways to make kids a prominent part of your big day.

So, what are you waiting for? Read on!

Before You Get to the Big Day…

There are certain things you need to keep in mind.

For instance, while making memories with kids at your wedding may sound amazing to you, the children themselves (depending on their personalities) may either feel excited or worried and apprehensive.

IMO, the best way to quell any nerves is to get them involved in the planning stages. And trust us, if you’ve never asked a 5-year-old for fashion advice, you’re in for a treat!

Let them help pick out the wedding attire and don’t forget to get their opinion on your wedding rings. Not only will this comfort them but it’ll also help them feel more prepared and excited for the big day.

Now, onto the exciting part…

7 Ways to Involve Kids in Weddings

1) Make Them Flower Girls and Boys


A classic option, we like to think of flower girls and boys as sprinkles on a wedding cake – they add that extra touch of sweetness to your big day.

Whether they’re scattering petals or simply looking adorable in their kids’ wedding attire, these children are sure to steal the show.

Pro tip: Walking down the aisle can be nerve-wracking, so remember to rehearse it beforehand to avoid any runaway flower children.

Did You Know? 

Roses are one of the most popular wedding flower choices out there. This is mainly due to their extreme elegance along with their connection with love and romance. So, if you’re wondering which petals to give your flower girl or boy, rose petals are definitely something you should consider.

2) Make Them Guest Book Attendants

This option is one for the older kids in your life (read: tweens and teens).

While they may not want to be in the spotlight, we bet they’ll jump at the chance to play an important role in your big day. Let them greet guests and assist with the guest book, ensuring that every memory is captured for posterity.

3) Make Them the Ring Bearer


A great way to involve kids in the wedding ceremony is to make them the ring bearer.

What’s that, you ask?

Well, their role is simple – All they really need to do is keep the wedding rings safe and carry them down the aisle. Whether they’re carrying them on a pillow (as is tradition) or in a decorative box, your little ring bearer will add a dose of cuteness to the proceedings.

Just make sure to tie the rings down, to avoid any lost sparkle!

4) Make Your Son Your Best Man

Who says the best man has to be a grown-up?

If your son is your partner in crime, making him your best man (with additional groomsmen around to play supporting roles) is a great way to involve your kid in your big day and make him feel special.

5) Ask Them to Give You Away

Speaking of making kids feel special at weddings, this tip is a great one for single parents or for those who’ve had children before getting married.

Break tradition and let your son or daughter have the honour of walking you down the aisle. It’s a moment that’ll make everyone reach for their tissues and leave your kid grinning from ear to ear.

6) Share a First Look With the Kids

Can’t think of anything sweeter than a first look with your partner? Try this photography idea with kids!

For context, the first look is an intimate moment when the bride and groom see each other for the first time before the wedding ceremony. And adding children to the mix will make it even better.

Trust us, the excitement and joy on their faces will be easily visible and we bet you’ll cherish the photos forever.

7) Add Your Kids to Your Vows


Make your vows a family affair by incorporating promises to your kids. Whether it’s promising more ice cream or pledging to watch their favourite show together, this personal touch will add humor and warmth to the ceremony.

Don’t Forget About Your Reception!

Let’s be honest – The reception is where the real magic happens for your youngest guests. Because after fulfiling all their duties, which energy-filled child wouldn’t want to have some fun? Here’s how to keep them from turning your well-planned event into a scene reminiscent of a mini mosh pit.

1) Hand Out Kids’ Welcome Gifts or Baskets

Upon arrival, hand out a ‘survival kit’ for the night. Include things like glow sticks (read: instant lightsaber), snacks (because the ‘I’m hungry’ complaints are inevitable) and a small toy or activity book. It’s not just a welcome gift; it’s your bribe to ensure good behaviour.

2) Assign Special Seating for Kids at Your Wedding


Want to avoid bored children on your big day? A kid-friendly table with plenty of things for them to do is the way to go. Think: Markers, sketch books, superhero masks, mini puzzles and bubble wands.

And if you’re really worried about keeping kids entertained at the wedding, then hiring an entertainer like a magician might be a good idea.

Oh and don’t worry about the older kids at your reception. Setting up a teen table with their favourite snacks and a few games is sure to get the job done.

3) Hire Childcare

Yes, it’s an extra cost, but think of it as investing in a stress-free wedding for kids and yourself. Having professionals on hand to look after the children means you can focus on being the star of your wedding, not the babysitter. These sitters can organise mini-games or story time depending on the ages and interests of your young guests.

The best part? If you have your party in your backyard, they can even put the kids to sleep at a reasonable hour. Because let’s be honest, having a tired, crying child at your wedding is bound to amp up everyone’s stress levels.

Remember, including children in your wedding (whether your own or someone else’s) isn’t about making it perfect; it’s about creating memorable, joy-filled moments that celebrate your love for kids. Plus, you’re guaranteed to have the most candid, talk-about-for-years wedding photos ever. So, embrace the unpredictability, plan a few kids’ wedding reception activities to manage the chaos and let those little personalities shine!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. At what age can kids participate in the wedding ceremony?

While there’s no hard or fast rule regarding the same, remember that kids under the age of five are more prone to stage fright, crying and tantrums. So, if you want them to play a role on your wedding day, we highly recommend going with someone slightly older.

Q2. What are some fun ways to involve kids in the wedding ceremony?

Apart from making them the flower girl or boy, you could involve kids by asking them to be guest book attendants or simply having a ‘first look’ photoshoot with them.

Q3. How do I keep kids entertained during the reception?

Hiring an entertainer like a magician, for example, is a great way to keep kids entertained during the reception. You could also create a kid’s table with puzzles colouring sheets and games to keep them occupied.

Q4. How do I make my kids feel special on the wedding day?

Giving them a role in your ceremony, writing them into your vows or simply having them walk you down the aisle are great ways to make your kids feel special on your wedding day.

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