Engagement & Wedding

When to Take Off Engagement Ring?

By:  Myra S.


There’s no doubt that your engagement ring is special to you and we know that if you could have it your way, you would keep it on forever! But the truth is that there are times when you must remove and put your sparkling symbol of love in a safe place to help keep its lustre and shine. That brings us to the main question and topic of today’s blog- when to take off your engagement ring? Keep reading to find out.


Take Off Engagement Ring While Working Out:

Before you sweat the small stuff at the gym or home, it would be a good idea to take your dazzling engagement ring off. Materials like platinum, gold, and diamonds are on the softer side, and if you have your ring on while exerting extreme pressure on those delicate fingers, you may risk altering the shape of the centre stone, and in a worst-case scenario, the ring may even break or the stone may accidentally fall off. In short, any type of physical activity is a no-go for engagement rings or any type of precious ring.


When Swimming, Remove Your Engagement Ring:

This one is pretty obvious and if you are a jewellery enthusiast, you would know that one should NEVER wear any type of jewellery while in a swimming pool. All swimming pools have chlorine-infused water, which can tarnish your ring’s metal, and secondly, the ring may slip off your finger while in the water, as the skin tends to shrink. This is a recipe for disaster if your engagement ring is slightly loose.

Remove Your Engagement Ring When Cleaning:

As mentioned before, harsh chemicals can impact your ring. While cleaning, even if you wear gloves, your ring is not immune from the damages that cleaning agents cause. The constant use of fingers and scrubbing surfaces will damage your ring’s shine and quite possibly cause the stone in your engagement ring to scratch or break.

Take Off Engagement Ring While Cooking:

If you love cooking up a storm, then be sure to keep your engagement ring out of it. When you cook, substances like oils and grease get into your ring, damaging it further. Also, these hard-to-remove substances collect in the crevices of the ring, which not only become a breeding ground for bacteria but can eat away at your ring’s shine and sparkle too.


For Showering, Remember to Take Off Your Engagement Ring:

Whatever you use for bathing, be it soaps, moisturizing oils, or bathing liquids, they all do a great job of keeping you clean and refreshed. Soap lather can however cause the engagement ring to slip from your finger without you realizing it. In this case, it may slide down the drain and be lost forever. Ouch! You don’t want that.


Now that we have covered the different scenarios and situations in which you need to keep your engagement ring away, let’s discuss the various ways through which you can preserve your ring’s shine and beauty.

Also Read:  How To Finance Your Engagement Rings

How Can I Make My Engagement Ring Sparkle?

Diamonds are forever…as long as you take care of them! If you would like to keep the sparkle in your engagement ring alive, make sure you take the above-mentioned points seriously and follow them as much as you can. By doing so, you will keep your ring out of harm’s way. That said, there are other ways in which you can keep the shine and brilliance of your engagement ring intact. We have listed a few points to help you get a better idea.

  • If it’s a diamond engagement ring, you can use simple dishwashing soap, warm water, a toothbrush, and a soft cotton towel to keep it clean, as well as shiny.
  • You can soak your ring in a solution of half a cup of vinegar and two tablespoons of baking soda if the base is made of silver.
  • While cleaning, use beer and a soft towel if the ring is made of solid gold.
  • The glass cleaner and hydrogen peroxide solution can also be a great option to clean your engagement ring.
  • You can take it to a jewellery shop; they will clean your ring using professional methods and bring back its sheen and glint in a matter of seconds.
Also Read: What to Do with Promise Ring After Engagement


If you recently got engaged, you may not feel like following any of these guidelines, but it is best to do so if you want to keep that ring close to you for years to come. Whether it’s a handcrafted engagement ring from a high-end jeweller’s or an heirloom ring that has been passed on to you, this beautiful ring on your finger is a meaningful token of love from your future spouse and you would not want it to get tarnished or ruined. Keep these tips in mind and ensure that your ring stays as beautiful as when you first got it!

When to Take Off Engagement Ring? FAQs

  • Should you wear your engagement ring all the time?
    The short answer to this is- NO. There are certain times and occasions when you need to take off your engagement ring to preserve its shine and brilliance. It is advised that you should not have your engagement ring on while you’re cooking, cleaning, swimming, showering, or working out.
  • Should I take off my engagement ring when I sleep?
    The answer to this question will always be YES. Sleeping with an engagement ring damages your ring in the long run. Though your sleeping positions will not harm the solitaire or the gem, they can bend or misshape the metal that holds the gem.
  • Do you have to take your engagement ring off when you get married?
    Traditionally rings have a set etiquette. After an engagement, you wear an engagement ring on the ring finger of your left hand. While walking down the aisle, brides usually move their engagement ring to the ring finger on their right hand so that the groom can put the wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand.
  • Can I wear my engagement ring in the ocean?
    Saltwater can be harmful to the metal. Some metals tend to shrink when in water, hence it is best not to. Moreover, the water makes everything slippery and if you lose your engagement ring in the ocean, there is a good chance that you will never be able to get it back.
  • When should you not wear your wedding ring?
    There are multiple occasions when you should not wear your wedding ring. These occasions include swimming, working out, cleaning, sleeping, and cooking.
  • Is it OK to wear a diamond ring in salt water?
    No, it is never okay to wear your diamond ring in salt water as metal often corrodes in salt water. Diamonds are also not immune to saltwater; frequent contact can cause diamonds to lose their luster.

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