Gemstone Education

Which Finger Should You Wear Your Black Onyx Ring On?

By:  Myra S.


We believe that picking the right ring is only half the battle won; how you wear it also matters! If you too agree to this, then make sure to read the entire post.

Because we’re going to venture into the world of black onyx and also unveil which finger you should wear the black onyx ring on.

Let’s start with some background

For the unaware, the black onyx is a type of silicate layered chalcedony – a form of quartz. It has a unique translucent to opaque surface, which complements its hue and makes it eye-catching.

And while this gem has a contemporary look, it was commonly used even in ancient Greece. In fact, black onyx was named after the Greek word ‘ ὄνυξ’ meaning ‘claws’ or ‘fingernails’, and there’s an interesting myth that surrounds the origin of this jewel. According to the legend, Venus (the Goddess of love) was once sleeping on the banks of the river Indus. While she slept, her son Cupid (the God of love) cut her fingernails with his mighty arrows and scattered them across the sand before disappearing. To prevent them from perishing, the Olympian Gods transformed the nails into stunning stones, which were later named ‘onyxes’.

Also Read: Black Onyx Meaning & Symbolism

What does the Black Onyx do?

Due to the legend mentioned above, several ancient cultures held the black onyx in high esteem. In fact, many people believed that there was no limit to what the black onyx could do.

People from the Middle East, for example, would often use this gemstone to dispel any negative or conflicting emotions. Indians and Persians had similar beliefs, and most would wear the onyx as a talisman against evil.

Romans often engraved the stone with the image of Mars (the God of war) and carried it with them to the battlefields. They believed that the jewel gave them the courage they required to defeat their opponents.

Of course, these beliefs are not backed by science. However, they still add to the gem’s popularity.

Did You Know?

The black onyx did not always have positive associations. According to a manuscript published in 1875, only enslaved people and menial workers were allowed to mine the gemstone in China.

Citizens refused to touch or own the jewel as they believed it would lead to bad dreams and misfortune. Due to this, Chinese merchants were forced to sell their accessories to Westerners as they didn’t believe the superstitions.

What is the Black Onyx good for?

While the gemstone does not have any magical abilities, it is still considered a symbol of confidence and emotional well-being. Are you wondering who should wear black onyx?

We’d say it’s perfect for those who want a gem that’s both beautiful and meaningful.


Which finger should you wear your Black Onyx ring on?

The answer to this question entirely depends on your personal style preference. However, we recommend flaunting your black onyx ring on either the index or middle finger.

This is mainly because it’s normal to find black onyx rings in large sizes. As such, you can make a bold statement by wearing it on either of the fingers mentioned above.

Buying Tips:

1) Opt for a gem with a clean, reflective surface.

2) Team the jewel with platinum for extra protection and a spectacular finish.

3) Purchase only from a reputed brand with a clearly mentioned return and refund policy.

Also Read: The History of Black Onyx

black onyx finger on FAQs

  • Can a black onyx ring be worn daily?
    With a rating of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, the black onyx can get damaged if not handled properly. Hence, while this stunner can be flaunted frequently, for safety reasons, we suggest doing so only during special occasions and events.
  • How often should you get your black onyx ring professionally cleaned?
    We recommend getting it checked and cleaned by a professional at least once a year.
  • Is it ok to sleep while wearing your black onyx ring?
    We don’t recommend sleeping with black onyx because you may accidentally knock the gem against your headboard and end up damaging it.

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