Gemstone Education

Why is the Diamond So Hard?

By:  Myra S.


A diamond is more than just a gemstone…it’s the very definition of luxury. You agree, right? Gorgeous and full of sparkle, this stunning gem is a fantastic way to elevate your look and add a touch of elegance to your attire. Of course, the stone’s aesthetic isn’t the only reason for its fame; its durability makes it a hot commodity too.

Want to know why are diamonds so hard?

Keep reading to find out…

Why Are Diamonds So Hard?

For the unaware, this sparkling gemstone features a 10 out of 10 rating on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness (a qualitative ordinal scale used to characterize the scratch resistance of different gemstones). Because of this, it is considered to be the hardest material on Earth. In fact, the only thing that can scratch a diamond is another diamond.

Interestingly, this stone owes its durability to the process of its creation. How, you ask?

Well, to begin with, diamonds are formed over a long period (roughly 1 – 3.3 billion years) deep within the Earth’s mantle. During this process, carbon (which is the element that this gemstone is made of) is exposed to extreme heat and pressure. These environmental factors force the carbon molecules to change in such a way that they get too close together to move. Needless to say, this rigid bond between different carbon molecules (which are arranged tetrahedrally) is the main reason behind the gem’s hardness and durability.

Now that you know why diamonds are so hard, let’s tell you a little about this stone’s durability.

Can a Diamond Damage Other Gemstones?

Yes, it can!

Because of its toughness, a diamond can scratch a weaker gemstone if pressed against it. A simple way to avoid this is to place your gem in a separate cloth bag and store it in a cool, dry area like a closet, for example.

Did You Know?

That the diamond gets its name from the Greek word ‘adamas,’ which translates to ‘indestructible’ or ‘unconquerable.’ Considering the stone’s hardness, we think this name is quite apropos!

Can a Diamond Chip?

Despite its extreme hardness and durability, a diamond (like any other gem) can chip if dealt an extremely hard blow. You can easily prevent this by removing your diamond jewelry before doing any strenuous physical activities like gardening or weightlifting, for instance.

So, Is the Diamond the Right Option for You?

It definitely is! Apart from its extreme durability, this gemstone is a great choice for several reasons:

Symbolism The stone represents eternal love.
Birthstone This gem is the April birthstone.
Versatility This stunner can be flaunted at any event or occasion.

• Symbolism

Firstly, no other gemstone can pride itself on its symbolism the way a diamond can. Representing eternal love, this stunner has won the hearts of many over the years and continues to do so even today. This can be seen by the ever-growing desire for diamond engagement rings.

As such, if you’re looking for something with a romantic appeal, then this stone is your best option.

• Birthstone

Are you an April born? Because if so, the diamond is the gem for you. Being the birthstone of this month, this stone is guaranteed to enhance your sentimental quotient which makes it a global winner.

• Versatility

Coffee date, black tie event or just because? Regardless of the occasion, a diamond is always appropriate. Not only is its hue compatible with every outfit choice, but its gorgeous sparkle is sure to make you the center of attention at every party. This makes it a total must-buy in our eyes.

Also Read: How Light Affects a Diamond’s Appearance?

How Do You Buy a Diamond Online?

• Research the Seller

Before buying your piece, go through all the certificates uploaded on the seller’s website and make sure they are up-to-date. Once done, go to the company’s social media profile and read the comments posted under each post. This will give you more information about the company’s products and its customer service.

• Check the Company’s Return Policy

Ensure that the organization has an ironclad return policy that’ll allow you to either return or exchange your diamond accessory if it differs from what is shown online in any way.

• Opt for a GIA-Certified Gemstone

One of the best gemstone institutes in the world, the GIA aims to protect jewelry lovers and collectors alike from fraudulent pieces. By getting a GIA-certified stone, you can rest assured that all the information mentioned in the certificate is 100% accurate.

Apart from the above, one of the most common questions we get is ‘What are stimulated diamonds?’ If you’d like to know the answer to this, read our article titled the same.

Want to know about a diamond’s clarity in detail? Check out our article discussing the diamond clarity chart.

Why is the Diamond So Hard? FAQs

  • Is there anything tougher than a diamond?
    While the diamond is definitely the hardest gemstone present today, it can be easily outmatched by carbon nanotubes, which are a stronger material overall.
  • Can sunlight impact the durability of a diamond?
    No, sunlight cannot impact the durability of a diamond.

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